Blog — dress

mom and children dancing in a field wearing the classic rainbow dresses

Yes, You Are A Good Mom

The few things that seem to go “wrong” can easily make us lose sight of all that is going right. We can lose sight of the wins. The endless ways we are truly loving and guiding and teaching and serving and giving. This Mother’s Day we want to help remind all of our Pleiades mama’s how incredible you are and take a moment to celebrate that...

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two friends holding hands. One is wearing the pastel rainbow ballerina and the other is wearing the pastel chiffon shortie

The Very Best Candy-Free Easter Basket

With Easter coming up we have put together a thoughtfully curated "Easter basket" that will feed the minds and hearts of your little ones. All of these shops deliver beautiful, responsibly made products that are bound to put a smile on your little one’s face...

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A child wearing the Tiana dress looking into the sun

What a Princess is Made Of

There is something about Disney princesses that inspire our little girls. The way they twirl so effortlessly, speak with elegance, and always have such poise - and I mean they also have some pretty fantastic dresses in their wardrobe. A fancy twirly princess dress does more than just make her look like a princess- it makes her feel like one too. All the qualities that Belle, Cinderella, Tiana and Rapunzel portray she also believes are within her just by stepping into a beautifully crafted design. She walks with shoulders back looking for anyone in her path to help, twirls with...

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Moab photoshoot - blog feature image

A Survivor’s Guide to Vacation Re-Entry

It all started to fall apart the second we got home. No, what I mean is, literally the second we walked in the door my 6 year old dropped and broke his special rock from the gift shop. Moments later, my 4 year old broke her necklace from said gift shop. Approximately 47 seconds after that, my 6 year old (remember him?) accidentally broke his necklace. This is about the point they screamed and demanded through irrational tears that "mommy get back in the car right now and drive back for a new one."  Yep...

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